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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I had planned on only posting once today but I'm irritated.  I met up with some mommy friends at the library for story and craft time.  During the craft time I noticed that the crayons had seen better days and the glue sticks were empty.  As I left,  I asked one of the employees about donating some supplies.  With many stores having back-to-school sales on supplies I figured it would be a nice yet inexpensive gesture. 

I went to the other desk to check out books for Aaron.  The lady told me that I had a fine of $14.95.  Huh?!  What?!  Fourteen dollars and ninety-five cents!  Apparently, one of the books I returned last week was damaged.  Well, it wasn't damaged by me!  I remember the book having some stains on some of the pages.  She couldn't do anything and told me that I could go to the Regency Branch to complain and discuss getting it overturned.  I paid the money.  What was my defense?

I was standing in line with 2 kids, a stack of books and and a line of people behind me.  I was in no mood or position to make a big fuss.  That's just not my nature anyway.  It's my nature to be more of a doormat.  Oh, well....


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